This ad is another example of what a great source of inspiration travel can be. It was filmed in Sao Paulo where all forms of outdoor advertising (including shop fronts) have been banned by the City’s Mayor. As a result São Paulo has been left with numerous empty billboard structures, which without their signage appear ghostly and oddly beautiful.
The ad pans across the city taking in the empty billboards, whilst accompanied by Gene Wilder singing ‘Pure Imagination’ from Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. It ends with the line “Because you like movies with no interruptions, we took away the ads”.
The slow and tranquil feel of this ad is in stark contrast to the banned high-impact advertisements which were designed to grab your attention. Although this does make for a beautiful piece of film, I don’t think it effectively promotes the idea that a world without adverts would be a better place. Instead, Sao Paulo appears dead as if the banned adverts have taken with them all the life and excitement of the city.
Above: Before the Sky ad was made, Tony de Marco, who described the banned adverts as his “visual enemies”, created a series of epic photographs of the empty billboards. Home Corp, the Production Company behind the Sky advertisement, were so impressed by De Marco’s shots that they approached him to advise them on their shoot. More of his photographs can be viewed online at: